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Dish On Ditching Diets

Jan 29, 2024

What's wrong with me? I know what I should be doing, but I'm not! Megan shares the real reason why you're not doing what you know you should be doing, why you feel unmotivated after starting to work on new habits or a new diet. She discusses the internal bully and negative mind chatter you're unaware of of and what to...

Jan 15, 2024

Megan shares 10 groundbreaking ways to lose 10 pounds in 10 days to jumpstart your weight loss journey. You will also hear the harsh truth about sustainability and why it's so important and how our brains light up from dopamine.

Weight Loss MasterClass:


Jan 2, 2024

My client Sharon who's in her 70's was struggling with her body image, restrictive dieting and food. She knew everything she should be doing, but she couldn't get over the mental hurdles to create a sustainable lifestyle and balance with food. She felt unworthy unless she lost weight. Sharon shares her inspiring...