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Dish On Ditching Diets

Oct 9, 2023

Under muscled and under fueled are the most common reasons I see clients not reaching their fat loss goals, and it is directly tired to them dieting too much causing their metabolism to burn fewer calories. Learn why building the metabolism, building muscle and removing the stress of dieting is necessary before fat loss...

Oct 18, 2021

Sugar and carb cravings are a common complaint from clients and are a symptom of a bigger problem. Doing detoxes, sugar challenges or cutting sugar out is not the solution and can cause bigger problems. Getting to the root cause IS always the answer. Find out what your sugar cravings is REALLY telling you.

High Protein...

Oct 4, 2021

Have you ever said things like "Why do I keep over eating, why am I not trying hard enough, I'll never lose weight, why should I bother trying or this is so hard, I'm doing it wrong?" Most women over 35 have conditioned themselves to speak to themselves in a very negative way and believe losing weight will change how...

Sep 20, 2021

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Hear Laura's journey to a more calm, content and peaceful life while losing weight! In this episode, she shares how shifting her mindset had life-altering effects, why it's about the journey not the destination and why she thinks every woman needs to invest in themselves...

Sep 6, 2021

Cutting carbs is not the magic solution to weight loss, eating less food is! In this episode you will learn, why your beliefs about carbs are false, the truth about why you're not losing fat when you cut carbs, the different categories of carbohydrates, the types of carbs women over 35 should eat in moderation and the...